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Opponent To Incumbent Hits All Time Low In Sheriff Race In Henry County

Rickey Stokes

Viewed: 9474

Posted by: RStokes
Date: Nov 02 2018 9:56 PM

HEADLAND-HENRY COUNTY-ABBEVILLE:     Incumbent Henry County Sheriff Will Maddox opponent Jay Henry has hit the ultimate in low down dirty, sorry and rotten campaign tactics. In fact he and another has alleged to have used tactics of the legal system just to attempt to make Sheriff Will Maddox look bad.




First Abbeville Police Chief Noel Vanlandingham gave a man a jacket and had his picture taken with Vanlandingham and Jay Henry. The man is in the nursing home. Jay Henry put the picture in the newspaper and a mail out he did.

The man and his family are for Sheriff Will Maddox. His sister has his picture on her Facebook with a Will Maddox shirt on. Jay Henry never asked the family for permission and the family is upset. In fact, just to put it plainly, they are pissed and feel violated.

Second, Jay Henry and/or an accomplance is alleged to be behind a man being arrested today. Arrested because he supports Will Maddox.

The man VOLUNTEERS as a pilot with Henry County Sheriff Department. He bought land in Henry County and preparing to build on the large track of land. One Vehicle with tag up has been tagged in Henry County. He registered to vote in Henry County. He voted absentee in Henry County.

Jay Henry is an investigator with District Attorney Pat Jones. All of a sudden the Alabama Attorney General’s Office is in Henry County. They say the man gave false information that his residence is in Henry County and voted illegally. He did not vote anywhere else, only in Henry County. There is a cabin on the land he owns.

How did the Attorney General’s Office just happen to do this?

The man bought the large tract of land, preparing to build his home, made the choice to move to Henry County, not involved in the political race, completely clean and never been in trouble. But the Jay Henry camp is out to committ dirty tactics just for Jay Henry to become Sheriff.

If a man would do this or be involved in this, what would he do if he was Sheriff?

I was staying out of this race. That is until this man was arrested and the man was taken advantage of in his picture being distributed.

Jay Henry has been involved in questionable tactics when he worked with Doug Valeska. Then Pat Jones sends him to police academy. Then Henry runs for Sheriff.

It is Jay Henry’s job to locate witnesses for court. In the City of Dothan we had a “execution style” murder. The “execution style”was described by Dothan Police. The murder case was dismissed because the witnesses could not be found.

Had Jay Henry been doing his job in finding the witnesses rather than running for Sheriff, perhaps this execution style murder case would not have been thrown out.

Will Maddox is running as a Democrat. He was going to run as a Republican but some Republican snobs in Henry County did not like Will. So you can not vote straight party in Henry County.

But from what low down sorry tactics I personally witnessed, the citizens of Henry County will be in danger if you elect Jay Henry.

Your safe bet is to re-elect Will Maddox as Sheriff.

I have never witnessed such abuse of the legal system and legal extortion. It is unheard of and dangerous. But it has happened in Henry County Alabama.


Opponent To Incumbent Hits All Time Low In Sheriff Race In Henry County

Opponent To Incumbent Hits All Time Low In Sheriff Race In Henry County

Family First Funeral Home

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