Columbia Manor-One of Alabama’s TOP 10 Haunted Places
Matt BosterViewed: 5791
Posted by: Matt Boster
Date: Oct 02 2018 6:23 PM
COLUMBIA ALABAMA: Columbia Manor is a famous haunted mansion that was built in 1864. Originally the manor was meant to be a college, Columbia Institute; later becoming a hospital, which housed patients that were being quarantined due to having the physical ailment known as #Pellagra. Pellagra is an illness that is caused by a deficiency in nicotinic acid (tryptophan). Patients with Pellagra have an over-reliance for corn as a staple in their diet; they are also depicted with severe dermatitis, diarrhea, and mental disturbances such as dementia, which ultimately lead to their untimely death.
Columbia Manor later became a private residence; it is currently one of the #top ten haunted spots in Alabama. This article is going to be about what the mansion was like preceding the time it became a haunted mansion.
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