UPDATED @ 12:24 PM Jackson County Sheriff’s Units in Pursuit toward Alabama
Matt Boster - Riickey stokesViewed: 4825
Posted by: Matt Boster
[email protected]
Date: May 08 2020 12:17 PM
JACKSON COUNTY: Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputies were in a high speed pursuit of a stolen Jeep when the pursuit turned towards Alabama. Houston County Deputies were notified of the pursuit and began responding accordingly. Houston County Deputies set and were prepared to use spike strips to stop the vehicle before it could reach Dothan.
Jackson County Deputies were able to get the vehicle stopped just south of Campbellton on US 231.
UPDATED @ 12:24 PM
The Jeep was occupied by a white female and white male. The couple, from Michigan, went to test drive a JEEP in Bay County.
Jackson County Sheriff Deputies were alerted to the stolen vehicle and spotted it.
Jackson County Sheriff Deputies spotted the vehicle in Cottondale north bound. Deputies turned his emergency lights on and the vehicle took off at high speeds, 98 MPH and above.
Houston County Sheriff Department started southbound on Highway 231 and set up with spike strips.
North of Campbellton Florida the suspect's left front blew ( LOL ) and the chase terminated. Both the female have been taken into custody by Jackson County Sheriff Department.
Jackson County Sheriff Lou Roberts, a active working Sheriff, was on the scene of the chase.
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