A Little Bible Q & A For Your Day
Viewed: 1442
Date: May 06 2016 5:14 PM
The Question:
Dear Brother: I went forward three months ago and confessed lying publicly to several people. Now, I wonder if I should go forward again. Please give the Scriptures and explain about when one should confess sin before the church.
The Answer:
There is no example in the Scriptures of one "going forward" to confess sins. Neither is there any command to do so. However, there are certain principles of the gospel of Christ, and common sense, which make it a practical means of righting various kinds of wrongs. Jesus said, "If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him" (Luke 17:3). But how can other people know that you have repented unless you "confess" (or, apologize for) that sin? If you sin against the church, and the whole church knows it, then confessing (apologizing for) it before the whole church would obviously be the best way to make things right.
I hope this helps.
Have a super weekend
Mitch Robison
Enon Church of Christ
1366 Enon Road
Webb, AL 36376
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