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A Little Bible Q & A For Your Day

Viewed: 1401

Date: Aug 18 2016 5:07 PM

Hey Everybody,

I hope you are headed toward a positive weekend.

If you haven't seen our website, please visit it at and take a look at our information.  We have also added two videos to the website that you can view.  The first video is "What Must I Do To Be Saved" and it is great for anyone interested in just what it takes to be a Christian.  The other video "Why Are There So Many Churches" is also a great view for those who have ever wondered just that, why are there so many.  Watch them and enjoy.  If you have any comments or questions, feel free to email me.

For today, here is a little Bible Q & A.

The Question:

Dear Brother:  Do we have angels of God living among us today in the flesh?  Please explain in light of Hebrews 13:2.

The Answer:

"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels" (Heb. 13:2).  The author of Hebrews is stressing the need for hospitality and kindness.  He has already mentioned love for the brethren (13:1), and now he wants us to be open to helping those in need. One reason for this is that some have entertained angels without knowing it.

This may be a reference to the story of Abraham and the three visitors he entertained (Genesis 18).  But, since the admonition is to be hospitable, it probably means that more than just Abraham experienced this chance to entertain angels.

Notice that the people who have done this, did so "unwittingly", that is, they were not aware they were ministering to angels.  So, my conclusion is that angels may still visit us, but we would never know it, since they appear and act like humans.  Which leaves us with the most important issue: be loving and kind, even to strangers.

I hope this helps.

Have a great weekend!

Mitch Robison

Enon Church of Christ

1366 Enon Road

Webb, AL 36376

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