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A Little Bible Q & A For Your Day

Viewed: 1254

Date: Sep 15 2017 10:26 AM

Hey Everybody,

I hope your week has been a positive one and that your weekend is productive.  Feel free to join us Sunday for worship services, we'd love to have you.  For today, here is a little Q & A.

The Question:

Dear Sir:  I was baptized as an infant, but now realize that was wrong.  In my town there are no new testament Christians, just denominations.  Can I baptize myself?  Must I have an authorized member of the church of Christ do it?  Could I just submerge myself?  What can I do?

The Answer:

There is no record in the New Testament of anyone baptizing themselves.  When Philip taught the Eunuch, the scripture says plainly, "They both went down into the water, Philip as well as the Eunuch; and he baptized him" (Acts 8:38).  I cannot tell you to submerge yourself, as that would be quite different from the pattern of the New Testament.

What can you do?  My suggestion is find a car or a friend with a car, make an appointment with a Christian in the nearest town and go be baptized.  Do not wait, do not make any excuses.  You have realized that baptism is a mature act, not for infants.  You understand your need.  You have come to a point of faith and you know what you need to do.  Do not let anything come between you and your decision.  Make the calls now and go now to be baptized by another believer.

I hope this helps.

Have a great weekend!

Mitch Robison

Enon Church of Christ

1366 Enon Rd.

Webb, AL 36376

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