Fund Raiser for Fancy - Sunday, July 15, 2012
Viewed: 1907
Posted by: raltman
Date: Jul 11 2012 1:51 PM
Fund raiser for a dog named Fancy. She is a blue heeler and she is Cowboys mascot to a lot of customers. She had an accident and had to have reconstructive surgery on her leg. She has around $3000 in vet bills. We are having a 50/50 drawing, Auction, and Live bands featuring JT Curtis and the Silver Eagle Band. It will be held on Sunday July 15th @ 2pm. $3 Donation. The DAV Disabled American Veterans are donating their time to cook and sell plates. All proceeds beyond what it takes to pay her bills will be donated to a local shelter. We are asking for anyone who wants to donate items for the auction to call Cowboys. They can ask for Ron, Ace, or Bob. Or they can drop off the items during business hours. We are accepting anything from Gift Certificates, new Household items, Auto accessories, etc...
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